Founder and CEO, Clint Palabay, CPT


Clint began his career as a personal trainer in 1994. Although his professional background was in design drafting, he was a competitive body builder and was dedicated to learning all he could about holistic, drug-free exercise and personal transformation.  In the years following, Clint dedicated himself to his personal training education.  He completed training certifications in the National Academy of Sports Medicine, International Sports Science Association, Equinox Fitness Training Institute, Postural Analysis, Pre/Post-Natal and, Resistance Band Training.  


He was employed by the most elite gyms in Manhattan for several years. In 2008 Clint merged his two careers in design drafting and personal training when he began Baypala Fitness. 


"Treasure your health and body.  Material possessions can be replaced, but our bodies are irreplaceable.  We have just one body for our entire lives.  When we make health and fitness top priorities, we thrive physically and mentally."      

        ― Clint Palabay