Baypala Fitness offers personal training for private clients and trainers at their homes, gyms, or work places. Baypala also offers on site training for the private gyms in manages and/or establishes.

Personal training follows the following principles:

  • Awareness and education about the body 
  • Nutritional awareness during training and beyond
  • Working holistically with the mind and body 
  • Training in a way that acknowledges imbalance in muscles and brings the body into balance
  • Changing routines regularly to avoid plateau
  • Introducing new and cutting edge techniques 
  • Motivation and Dedication to results

Many people look to the newest and latest workout craze and wonder if that is the thing that will finally work. Baypala Fitness works with the understanding that it's important to know and understand all possible exercise techniques, but nothing will work unless we cultivate precise awareness about what we are doing, what muscle groups are we trying to activate during a certain movement, and what is the purpose of the movement.  The activation of the mind during workouts is most important if you are doing tried-and-true exercises or the newest exciting trends in fitness.

To schedule a consultation assessment please email Clint at: